Courses Currently In Development

who are these courses for?

There are currently two courses planned: one course for high school girls (ages 14-18) and one course for middle school girls (ages 10-13). 

what is the cost?

The courses will be FREE for those attending and all meals, accommodations, and course materials will be provided. 

where will the courses take place?

The courses will be offered at a location in Lake Havasu City. We are currently considering several options, including a multi-day retreat format.

who are the course instructors?

Instructors will include Havasu Helping Girls staff members, including the Executive Director, Vice President, and others. Other featured instructors will come from the medical, teaching, and business fields.

how can i donate to help this program?

We need the help of our local community members and businesses to make these courses possible!  Please consider donating today to make a difference and empower local girls and young women to become tomorrow’s leaders.  With your help, we can expand the leadership course offerings!  You can donate with a one-time or a recurring gift at

how can i sign up for the course?

If you are interested in attending one of the HHGI Girls Leadership Courses, please complete the interest form below.  By completing this form, you will receive an email and/or text message to let you know the course dates and when the official registration for the courses is open.

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