Information for Lake Havasu schools interested in receiving Period Starter Kits to distribute to students:

Thank you for your interest in Period Starter Kits from Havasu Helping Girls! Our kits are an excellent way to introduce and teach pre-teen and teenage girls about menstruation, while providing them with essential menstrual supplies that they will need.

It is recommended that schools receiving period starter kits hand them out during their puberty / sex-education class(es), in the 4th, 5th, 6th, and/or 7th grade.

Begin the School Order Process

Schools in Lake Havasu City, AZ

Orders are typically placed by each school nurse when their school needs a restock. School staff can place orders within the LHC Schools Portal.

go to the lhc schools portal

The perfect addition…

The period starter kits were the perfect addition to our efforts in educating young girls on menstruation, hygiene and period products available. Being able to offer these items to young girls increased their knowledge of products so that they do not have to struggle through the experience. It also enhanced our conversation and openness around the experience. Our increased dialogue and education have helped us to reduce the stigma around menstruation.

Jill Hoopes, RN / Oro Grande Classical Academy